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Create a web application where coding competitions can be conducted - Participants should register before participating in the competition with a mail id they already have an account on the platform. - The scheduled competition questions should not visible before starting time except for the persons who have admin access. - Multiple persons should be able to have admin access and visit a similar page and make changes parallelly. - Participants no longer are able to attend the competition after the end time and automatically get to save the code. - Show remaining time, no of questions solved and time & memory taken for executing each execution. It should also save previously submitted answers, time & memory taken and can be able to edit and re-execute by participants. - Questions can be of any sort of type. There should be a test run with sample test cases and enable/ not enable the feature of negative marks. - There should be a live leaderboard showing no questions solved, time taken, and the score of the participant. - Have a discussion page live while competitions taking place and all control access to the admin, and participants can rise an issue if the question is wrong

For a bonus : Add a tour for the platform for first users and have the option to have a tour

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